Schedule your session

The BREAK FREE student loan session: $397


A BREAK FREE student loan session starts with a full review of your student loan data including consideration of your other financial goals. Student loan debt is only one piece of your financial picture. By taking a holistic approach, your SLC coach will be able to make the best suggestions for you.

Your SLC coach will assess your specific financial situation and goals to create your personalized Break Free from Student Loan Debt Report that will detail your path forward including your BREAK FREE DATE!

Your SLC coach will thoroughly explain your options including:

  • Income-Driven Repayment Plans

  • Traditional Student Loan Repayment Plans

  • Student Loan Consolidation

  • Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

  • Student Loan Discharge Programs

  • Private Student Loan Refinancing

  • Temporarily delaying student loan payments while reaching other financial goals through deferment or forbearance options.

After this session, you will know EXACTLY what it will take for you to BREAK FREE of your student loan debt forever!


The BREAKTHROUGH TO CLARITY money plan session: $897


Having a plan to BREAK FREE of your student loans is a GREAT feeling but what about the rest of your finances?

  • Are you saving enough to live your dreams in retirement?

  • Do you have other debts weighing you down?

  • Do you have dreams of traveling, buying a home, or starting a business with no clear financial plan to move forward?

  • Are credit problems holding you back?

  • Do you know what your money personality is and how it may be holding you back from creating the financial life you desire?

  • Do you know what would happen to your family financially if you died tomorrow?

“There are dreamers and there are planners; the planners make their dreams come true” - Edwin Louis Cole

The BREAKTHROUGH TO CLARITY money plan session is a full-service financial coaching session that encompasses a complete assessment of your finances including your goals, debt, savings, and spending along with your student loan debt plan. Because student loan debt is only one piece of your big financial picture, your financial coach will be able to guide you through creating a solid step-by-step money plan that takes the guesswork out of managing your day-to-day finances.

Your SLC financial coach will analyze your specific financial situation, values, and goals to co-create your personalized Breakthrough to Clarity Money Plan that will include:

  • Your money personality

  • Your financial goals

  • A realistic spending plan that you can live with

  • Savings strategy

  • Debt payoff strategy with BREAK FREE DATEs included


  • Objective recommendations & referrals

After this session, you will feel confident knowing EXACTLY where your money is going and how it is WORKING FOR YOU each month.